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>> Home >> Georgia >> Augusta Childcare Providers >> S & T Development & Learning Center

S & T Development & Learning Center

Name:  S & T Development & Learning Center
Address:  2115 Windsor Spring Rd
 Augusta, GA 30906
Phone:  (706) 790-3990

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Review by Alicia on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 12:55:45 PM
I did a walk through in the center. I love the way the director has this center set up. The children have the opportunity to get out of the classroom and play in the center of the building. She has a in door playground-along with a basketball court inside and out. The staff are great they greeted me in every room I went in to. The center is clean and colorful. You really must see to believe. I am sure that she is adding new things everyday to keep up with the times. I love the center and wish my children were small again because they would love this center. If you have not seen the center you really must you will love it. Great job Ms. Tasha