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>> Home >> Indiana >> Anderson Childcare Providers >> Living Water Community Church

Living Water Community Church

Name:  Living Water Community Church
Address:  5300 S State Road 67
 Anderson, IN 46013
Phone:  (765) 778-5282

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Review by Christian on Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 5:36:51 AM
My son has been at Promise Land since he was about 1 almost 2. Tomorrow will be his last day because he will be starting Kindergarten this year. I have never ever had a bad moment bring or having my son at this school. Mary the lady that runs the daycare-preschool is a great lady to know and a blessing to this school. She works so hard to make sure all of the kids and teachers are taking care of. Also they have a Christmas program that I have loved so much to see every year. I started to cry this morning when I took my son there because we will miss everyone so much. My son has made some great friends there. Thanks Promise Land for everything that you did for my son and my family!
Review by Christian on Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 5:34:12 AM
My son has been at Promise Land since he was about 1 almost 2. Tomorrow will be his last day because he will be starting Kindergarten this year. I have never ever had a bad moment bring or having my son at this school. Mary the lady that runs the daycare-preschool is a great lady to know and a blessing to this school. She works so hard to make sure all of the kids and teachers are taking care of. Also they have a Christmas program that I have loved so much to see every year. I started to cry this morning when I took my son there because we will miss everyone so much. My son has made some great friends there. Thanks Promise Land for everything thing that you did for my son and my family!