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>> Home >> Maryland >> Bethesda Childcare Providers >> Bethesda Lynbrook Childrens Center

Bethesda Lynbrook Childrens Center

Name:  Bethesda Lynbrook Childrens Center
Address:  8001 Lynbrook Dr
 Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone:  (301) 656-4891

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Review by momofb on Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 6:36:43 PM
After a few years at home with me, I decided that my daughter needed school for structure and interaction with other children her own age. I am super-picky, and I have been happy with the school. If I ever have a concern, it is addressed by the teachers and director immediately. She has learned so much since she’s been there. I definitely recommend this school. There's a nice balance of structure and play. There are lots of fun activities, classes, field trips. There are plenty of opportunities to parents to get involved, learn through guest speakers, and have fun at special events. They accept children ages 2-5. There is a summer program for school age children.