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>> Home >> New Jersey >> Wayne Childcare Providers >> Donna Reids Child Development Center Incorporated

Donna Reids Child Development Center Incorporated

Name:  Donna Reids Child Development Center Incorporated
Address:  970 Black Oak Ridge Rd
 Wayne, NJ 07470
Phone:  (973) 839-6677

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Write a Review for Donna Reids Child Development Center Incorporated
Review by HappyMama on Monday, February 2, 2009 at 6:09:11 PM
The facility is clean, happy and bright, but the layout is strange because it is in an old chapel. The playground is big and it appears safe. The workers are extremely patient with parents. If you call, they always connect you with the classroom teacher. They seem to use a great curriculum and they have alternative classes such as piano come in for older studetns. They also work with you financially unlike every other place I went to. You do not pay for time that you do not use. Basically, I do not love the layout of the facility but everything else is great so far. The only other wish I have is that they provided food. Overall, I am happy it is my child's daycare.