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>> Home >> Ohio >> Lancaster Childcare Providers >> Hug -A-Bear Day Care & Faith Academy

Hug -A-Bear Day Care & Faith Academy

Name:  Hug -A-Bear Day Care & Faith Academy
Address:  2610 W Fair Ave
 Lancaster, OH 43130
Phone:  (740) 653-1358

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Write a Review for Hug -A-Bear Day Care & Faith Academy
Review by hug a bear on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 10:49:43 AM
If you have any doubts about leaving your child or grandchild at a day care, you can ease your mind when you leave your child at this daycare. We have nothing but great things to say about this day care. We have been taking our child there for over 2 yrs and you could not ask for better care, love and attention to your child. The staff is off the hook when it comes to caring for your child. You can tell that Holly and the rest of the teachers really do enjoy children and their jobs. If your child is small they will give you a written daily report on what kind day they had right down to how they slept for a nap. As a 3 yr old, they do many activities and my child is very advanced in learning due to their nurturing and caring. As a working parent you can not beat the cost of this day care and no doubt it can be expensive at some places. I do not work there or am I related to anyone there. I chose them based on a friend's referral. It is a very nice place to leave you child while you are at work. You can concentrate on your job and not have to be worried about how your child is doing. Wonderful care!