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>> Home >> Wyoming >> Casper Childcare Providers >> Little Beginnings

Little Beginnings

Name:  Little Beginnings
Address:  1720 S Oak St
 Casper, WY 82601
Phone:  (307) 266-9977

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Review by Carol Michenzi on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 8:20:04 AM
Ms. Eddy provides a wonderful, nurturing environment for children. The children under her care are happy and excited to be there each day. She has taken care of my grandson since he was 18 months old and he loves "his Bernedette" and cannot wait to return each morning. She offers a very clean facility and numerous opportunities for children to explore through outdoor play, nature walks, storytime with the bookmobile and other events. Every child is treated with love and respect, but more importantly they are taught to respect each other.