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>> Home >> California >> Orangevale Childcare Providers >> Rebecca's Daycare

Rebecca's Daycare

Name:  Rebecca's Daycare
Address:  9157 Kendrick Way
 Orangevale , CA 95662
Phone:  (916) 989-2746

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Why do you want Ms. Rebecca as your licensed childcare provider? I will give your child a fun and safe environment with lots of laughs, giggles, and hugs. I know and understand how precious your children are to you and treat each child in my care as the treasures they are. I have weekly themes, such as fairy tales, frogs and dinosaurs. Activities include arts and crafts, music and dance, reading, outdoor play, and discovery. My rates are $150/wk. I have excellent references. Hurry! Only one spot left for under 2yrs

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