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>> Home >> Georgia >> Lawrenceville Childcare Providers >> The Children's House

The Children's House

Name:  The Children's House
Address:  1185 Paper Creek Dr
 Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Phone:  (404) 435-1194

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2 weeks
12 years

"Where friends and memories are made" is my moto!

I believe childhood is a time for GREAT memories. I strive to make each child feel valued EVERY day. I provide FUN and EDUCATION in a well rounded program.

Children can begin at an early age to learn ASL as well as basic Spanish as merely a jumping off point in life.

We have scheduled event days which include baking day, playdough, painting, crafting, and a popcorn and movie day once a week. I have special 'THEMES' for added learning and interest. As we round out the year with seasons - I plan event days such as 'POLAR EXPRESS' day. There is not a moment that goes by where my attention is not on expanding my knowledge or program to meet the needs of todays parents. I am VERY active and promote health and fitness in my daily life, which is also an added bonus for children. I have owned my business for over 16 yrs and have moved from Alaska to Georgia with it. I consider myself an EXPERT with regard to children. I have ideas daily keep children hopping :) As I rebuild my website - there will be more information to share

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