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>> Home >> North Dakota >> Fargo Childcare Providers >> Lil Sprouts Daycare

Lil Sprouts Daycare

Name:  Lil Sprouts Daycare
Address:  4269 43rd Ave S
 Fargo, ND 58104
Phone:  (701) 205-4624

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2 years
12 years

Lil Sprouts believes that children learn through play and exploration of their environment, and are entitled to opportunities that support all areas of their development. Lil Sprouts believes in fostering active learning,
multiculturalism, inclusion, creativity, independence, and parent involvement by providing experiences for positive interactions between children, the provider, parents and the community.
Based in a fun home environment, ages 2-12 are welcome to join full time or part time. I am currently working towards earning a degree in child development and striving to accomplish a high star rating in child care.

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