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>> Home >> Maryland >> Elkton Childcare Providers >> Diane's Home Daycare

Diane's Home Daycare

Name:  Diane's Home Daycare
Address:  182 Wedgemont Drive
 Elkton, MD 21921
Phone:  (410) 398-8753

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12 years

I have run a family daycare for 20 yrs. I provide a safe and loving environment for the children to grow and learn. I believe in taking the kids out to play as often as the weather permits. I also work on teaching them home to share with others and to have respect for other people and other people's belongings. I also provide an educational time for them suited to ea. individual's age. I provide breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks. I am on the MD State Food Program. I am trained in CPR, and First Aid. I have also had SIDS training. I accept POC. My daycare kids have made many lasting friendships over the years with the other children. Parents are welcome to visit anytime.

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