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>> Home >> Virginia >> Virginia Beach Childcare Providers >> Meg's Child Care

Meg's Child Care

Name:  Meg's Child Care
Address:  1824 Maple Shade Ct.
 Virginia Beach, VA 23453
Phone:  (540) 378-5222

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10 years


About us:
I'm a housewife and mother of 2 children. Our children's ages are: Son (8) and Daughter (4). Our son is starting the 3rd grade at Christopher Farms Elementary. We are very warm and loving Christian family.

Experience/Offered Services:
- I have 5 years of licensed preschool experience in Salem,VA and a total of 12 years of ChildCare experience.
- Daily reports will provided at pick-up each day.
- I will be starting a new preschool curriculm "My Father's World".

I have two other children that I keep in our home. They are both girls - one is getting ready to turn one (she's my full timer) and the other is a little over one years old (she's my part timer) Environment/Hours:
Single Family Home - In the Shelburne Woods SubDivision Across from Christopher Farms Elementery
Ages: 6 wks of age to after-schoolers.
Hours: 7am-6pm

Feel free to text or call with any questions you may have @ 540-378-5222. During a scheduled interview, references will be provided.

I'm excited and look forward to meeting you!

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