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>> Home >> Oregon >> Saint Helens Childcare Providers >> Pacific Camps

Pacific Camps

Name:  Pacific Camps
Address:  58690 Ross Rd
 Saint Helens, OR 97051
Phone:  (503) 396-0497

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5 years
13 years

From its inception, Pacific Camps has been committed to investing in children. With an adult to child ratio of about 1 to 12, counselors are trained to discern and meet individual needs. Building one to one adult child relationships is at the foundation of this investment. Programmed activities are geared to lend to this relationship building.

Our camp has full-day programming whenever school is closed during the school year. We run a Christmas camp and an Easter or Spring break camp. When a local school has a teacher in-service day, camp runs all day for those children affected. With the exception of major holidays, if school is closed, camp is open.

The structure for the Before and After School program is more focused than Summer Day Camp. A major portion of each afternoon can be spent in the homework room, which is separated from the main camp area. This room is equipped with children's encyclopedias, maps and other resources. At least one staff counselor is on duty in the room at all times. Tutoring is available as needed. On any given afternoon, other activities may include arts and crafts, games, sports, chapels, indoor board games and occassional children's videos.

For more information or a detail fee chart please go to our webpage at

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