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>> Home >> Arkansas >> Fayetteville Childcare Providers >> The Workshop Academy

The Workshop Academy

Name:  The Workshop Academy
Address:  97 W. Colt Square Dr.
 Fayetteville, AR 72703
Phone:  (949) 294-0772

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5 years

The Workshop Academy offers five preschool classes! We have specially designed curriculums that your child can enjoy with the same group of children every week. Our highly qualified teaching staff is there to guide your child through their first classroom experiences, and make them both highly enjoyable and educational. Our preschool programs offer some of the fun learning that is available through our Imagination Classes - arts and crafts, exposure to multiple languages, nutrition and simple food preparation, food art (so fun!) and music, and they'll have the opportunity to enjoy these modules every week. We’ll also have special events such as guest speakers to keep the kids captivated! You can sign up now for our 2 ½ -3 year old class, our 4 year old class, and our 5 year old/Pre-K class.*

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