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>> Home >> Oregon >> Canby Childcare Providers >> KareBear Day Care

KareBear Day Care

Name:  KareBear Day Care
Address:  28599 S. Needy Rd.
 Canby, OR 97013
Phone:  (858) 768-1907

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3 months
11 years

We are on S. Needy Road in Canby, near Hwy 211, Canby-Marquam Hwy, Zimmerman, Barlow and Barnards Rd. We are on 8 acres of property to run around and explore. We pick berries, catch frogs, pet kitties, feed chickens, and use our imagination. I serve healthy, nutritious meals made with quality meats, fresh fruits and vegetables.

I began doing in-home child care in June '05 so I could stay home with my own children who are now 7 and 9 years old. We love it! Everyday I put my heart into ensuring children are safe, loved, and cared for. I interact with the children, making play time a rich learning experience. I focus on learning social skills and academics in a fun way. I am trained in emotion coaching, and I help kids share and problem solve as needed. We do not spend much of our time watching television, movies, or video games.

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