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>> Home >> Virginia >> Virginia Beach Childcare Providers >> Danielle's Tiny Tots Daycare

Danielle's Tiny Tots Daycare

Name:  Danielle's Tiny Tots Daycare
Address:  913 Nahant Ct
 Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Phone:  (757) 502-5738

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Hours of Operation
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
6 years

Hello, My name is Danielle and I just recently started an in home daycare. I am a mom of 2 and step mother of 3. I am 26 years old and have been working with children almost all of my life. I am a Christian and believe in teaching the Bible to children while they are young. I do have Bible and prayer time at the daycare. I too believe in having an active child; T.V. is okay sometimes but not all day. I teach the children every core subject that is taught is public school. I am studying to be a kindergarten teacher and felt that while doing that, it would be great to work in childcare again. I promote early learning as I believe that It is never too early to teach a child anything! We have outside time (weather permitting) also we learn the importance of healthy diet. No soda or candy are permitted at daycare . References upon request. I am minutes away from Oceana and Dam Neck base! Ocean Lakes school district for before and after school candidates. If you are out of the Ocean Lakes school district waivers can be granted for your child if you attend the daycare.
What I offer as a childcare provider is as follows:
* great child care
* a learning environment
* periodic field trips
* healthy meals
* help with potty training
* field trips at no extra cost to parents
* flexible hours
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