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>> Home >> Colorado >> Aurora Childcare Providers >> Parker Landing Child Development Center

Parker Landing Child Development Center

Name:  Parker Landing Child Development Center
Address:  3104 S Parker Rd
 Aurora, CO 80014
Phone:  (303) 337-9444

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Write a Review for Parker Landing Child Development Center
Review by Angela on Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 1:21:20 PM
I cannot say enough postitive about my childrens experience with Parker Landing Child Development Center. I have two preschool age children who have attended for over a year and a half and have enjoyed every day that I take them to "school". They are constantly learning and developing and the staff at Parker Landing continues to prepare them for Kindergarden by chalenging them academically, promoting healthy social interaction and caring for their needs as individuals. My oldest is 14 and he attended Parker Landing years ago. I was so impressed by the care he received then, that when it came time to place my two younger children in daycare, there was no other option. I trust the staff completly and they have proven over and over that they are caring, competent and truly do have the childrens best interests at heart. I would HIGHLY recommend Parker Landing to any parent who was in need of high quality care and wanted more for their child that just a daily babysitter. This is a place where your children will grow academically and socially.