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>> Home >> Iowa >> Boone Childcare Providers >> Child Care Junction

Child Care Junction

Name:  Child Care Junction
Address:  1111 S Linn St
 Boone, IA 50036
Phone:  (515) 432-3084

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Review by Sara on Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 9:03:40 PM
My oldest child no longer needs daycare but my younger child is still at the center. I am in the HR field and have recommended child care junction to many people. I love the center. I pulled my oldest out of an in-home daycare to go to the center. I was very concerned about taking my child to a daycare center as I have heard horror stories about them but quickly realized it was the best decision I could make for my child. The staff is wonderful, I love that I only miss work due to my childs illness no need for backup babysitter, the structure of the classrooms are wonderful, the education at the center is wonderful, and the hours are great. I love that from an infant I get to have conferences with the teacher and have one on one time to evaluate how my chld is developing. I have nothing but great things to say about the center and would strongly recommend it.