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>> Home >> Iowa >> Osceola Childcare Providers >> Head Start

Head Start

Name:  Head Start
Address:  900 S Fillmore St
 Osceola, IA 50213
Phone:  (641) 342-2186

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Review by Deborah Choate on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 8:09:58 AM
I, Deborah Choate am presently Senior Cook at Head Start in Sedalia, Mo. I have been there since August 13, 1998. Head Start is a wonderful organization for low income children and their families. Good nutrition contributes to overall well being which is essential to life and moving ahead toward positive goals. Head Start is simply stated: providing the headstart every child needs to progress. Personally, I am looking for a cook position with Head Start in or near Osceola with the hope of transferring there to continue my effort of providing good nutrition for children in Iowa as I have done in Missouri for over 13 years. I hope this is a possible means of introducing myself and possibly obtaining a cook position. Head Start is a win/win for all involved across the nation and I am proud to be a contributing member. Thank you for this opportunity to post this review and to reach out for help with possible employment. Deborah Choate, Sedalia Community Head Start, Sedalia, Mo. 65301