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>> Home >> Texas >> Palestine Childcare Providers >> Southside Bapt Chur Child Care Cntr

Southside Bapt Chur Child Care Cntr

Name:  Southside Bapt Chur Child Care Cntr
Address:  1500 Crockett
 Palestine, TX 75801
Phone:  (903) 723-4685

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Write a Review for Southside Bapt Chur Child Care Cntr
Review by wolfmom on Friday, June 10, 2011 at 10:09:05 AM
My son attended Southside Daycare from 3 months old until Kindergarden & my family were completely satisfied with his level of education, safety, and care from the outstanding support staff. They are very friendly, helpful, and will notify you of even the slighest illness or cold like symptom. I can't thank the staff enough for providing my family with more than five years of service and dedication to my much that my daughter stayed with them from 3 months of age until she turned one. I wouldn't have left had my finances not been cut short by the state. I highly recommend them if you are looking for suitable and secure daycare services for your children.