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>> Home >> Maryland >> Pikesville Childcare Providers >> Treasured Angels

Treasured Angels

Name:  Treasured Angels
Address:  1015 Scotts Hill Drive
 Pikesville, MD 21208
Phone:  (410) 653-8117

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12 years

If you're looking for child care in the Pikesville, Maryland area, look no further than Treasured Angels Daycare. We provide daycare, before and after care, and extended care until 12am in a loving home environment.

Write a Review for Treasured Angels
Review by J.lynn on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 12:58:06 PM
Having a new baby was very exciting but wondering where I would take my baby for care was very scary. Finding Treasured Angels daycare was truly a blessing. I was very pleased that my child was there until He started school and we moved out of the area. He probaly wolud have been until he was 18 (just kidding) But, very pleased THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!