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>> Home >> Louisiana >> Metairie Childcare Providers >> Children's Carousel Learning & Daycare Center

Children's Carousel Learning & Daycare Center

Name:  Children's Carousel Learning & Daycare Center
Address:  3720 W. Esplanade Ave.
 Metairie, LA 70002
Phone:  (504) 454-8844

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9 years

At Children’s Carousel we believe in always putting children first. Serving the metro area since 1990 we pride ourselves in our positive atmosphere where we promote emotional and physical well-being, helping to develop a child’s self-esteem and intellectual growth.

Your child’s day will be filled with many positive and enjoyable activities. We understand that your child is the most important part of Children’s Carousel. As a result, we strive to provide your child and their teachers with the best classroom environments available. The majority of the time we work at below the state child/teacher ratios, exceeding the state minimum standards
At Children’s Carousel we encourage each child with love, understanding, and patience. We love what we do and are excited about meeting your child and enhancing their natural talents. Contact us today to learn more about our quality of care and services.

Now our services include computer, and Spanish classes

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