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Texas Childcare Providers
>> San Antonio Childcare Providers
San Antonio Texas Childcare Providers and Daycare Centers
450 Childcare Providers in San Antonio
Mama Chelo's
1627 W Hildebrand Ave
San Antonio, TX 78201
(210) 735-3514
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Mary's GO-Round Daycare
4507 Horton Pl
San Antonio, TX 78214
(210) 928-2787
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May-Ric Day Care Center
1808 Thompson Pl
San Antonio, TX 78226
(210) 434-4551
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Mi Casa Child Center
8601 Cinnamon Creek Dr
San Antonio, TX 78240
(210) 561-7660
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Mi Casa Child Center
4820 Brandeis St
San Antonio, TX 78249
(210) 696-6599
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Mi Casa Child Center
8601 Cinnamon Creek
San Antonio, TX 78240
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Mi Casa Child Center
8875 Timber Path
San Antonio, TX 78250
(210) 521-9876
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Michael's Child Care
645 Kayton Av
San Antonio, TX 78210
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Miller Child Development Center Annex
2805 E Commerce St
San Antonio, TX 78203
(210) 226-7326
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Missionary Sisters
427 Rigsby Ave
San Antonio, TX 78210
(210) 532-3546
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Montessori Earth School
4911 Golden Quail
San Antonio, TX 78240
(210) 558-8339
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Montessori School Intl.
8222 Wurzbach Rd
San Antonio, TX 78229
(210) 614-1665
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Montessori School Kriterion
611 W Ashby Pl
San Antonio, TX 78212
(210) 735-9778
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MS Annies Day Care Center
12134 el Sendero St
San Antonio, TX 78233
(210) 599-6010
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My First Step Learning Center
1734 W Poplar St
San Antonio, TX 78207
(210) 731-9633
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My School Too
235 W Sunset Rd
San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 828-2800
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Nanny-Nite Child Care
3155 Ackerman Rd
San Antonio, TX 78219
(210) 656-2669
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New Beginnings Christian Daycare
13777 Judson Rd
San Antonio, TX 78233
(210) 655-3118
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New Horizons Private Schools
3700 Ridge Country St
San Antonio, TX 78247
(210) 494-7022
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New Kids On The Block Learning Center
223 S Ww White Rd
San Antonio, TX 78219
(210) 359-1538
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Noah's Ark. Daycare Center
6610 US Hwy 90 W
San Antonio, TX 78227
(210) 679-5956
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Noahs Ark Home Child Care
14719 Highland Rdg
San Antonio, TX 78233
(210) 599-0877
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Nonna Bears Playhouse
9838 Misty Plain Dr
San Antonio, TX 78245
(210) 645-1013
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Nora's Child Care
11941 Poinciana St
San Antonio, TX 78245
(210) 645-1011
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Northern Hills United Methodist Church Day School
3703 N Loop 1604 E
San Antonio, TX 78247
(210) 654-8406
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Oak Hills Child Development & Learning Center
8600 Wurzbach Rd Suite 602
San Antonio, TX 78240
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Our Christian Kids at Heart Learning Center
2507 W Southcross
San Antonio, TX 78211
(210) 921-0444
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Our Second Home Inc
5635 FM 78
San Antonio, TX 78219
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Over The Rainbow Christian Daycare
2617 N Zarzamora St
San Antonio, TX 78201
(210) 732-8698
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Palm Heights Baptist School
1106 W Malone Ave
San Antonio, TX 78225
(210) 923-8600
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Panda Bear Daycare
143 Encino Grande St
San Antonio, TX 78232
(210) 494-1461
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Parent /Child Inc. Head Start
4318 Callaghan Rd
San Antonio, TX 78228
(210) 436-9409
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Parent /Child Inc. Head Start
1303 Rilling Rd
San Antonio, TX 78214
(210) 932-4287
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Parent /Child Inc. Head Start
401 Holmgreen Rd
San Antonio, TX 78220
(210) 333-1525
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Parent /Child Inc. Head Start
11935 Donop Rd
San Antonio, TX 78223
(210) 633-1900
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Parent /Child Inc. Head Start
3606 Fredericksburg Rd
San Antonio, TX 78201
(210) 731-9044
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