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>> Home >> Florida >> Pensacola Childcare Providers >> Alice S Williams Day Care Center

Alice S Williams Day Care Center

Name:  Alice S Williams Day Care Center
Address:  1015 North E St
 Pensacola, FL 32501
Phone:  (850) 438-2325

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Write a Review for Alice S Williams Day Care Center
Review by MsReese on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 7:39:41 AM
Alice S. Williams daycare is one of the best child care centers that I adore. The staff is wonderful with the children and the environment is a loveable environment. It is like one big happy family. Ms. Carter treats those kids as if they are her own. She loves and adores them and they love and adore him. She goes out of her way to help and makes sure that she speaks to you when you enter and leave the building. The teachers are patient with the kids and are excited to see the children. The daycare is always clean and the children have an execellent eating menu. I would like to say keep up the good work.