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>> Home >> Florida >> Fort Myers Childcare Providers >> Franklin Park Talbert Day Care

Franklin Park Talbert Day Care

Name:  Franklin Park Talbert Day Care
Address:  3328 Thomas St
 Fort Myers, FL 33916
Phone:  (239) 334-4844

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Review by jb on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 5:26:10 PM
my child has been going to this faciltiy for only a year. she just turned two in october and she can speel her first name , reconize the letters A,E,H,J,I,M,Y, and R, she knows her shapes even octogon and trapezoid, she reconizes numbers1-7 out of order, and she loves to attend every day. The staff over at Jeanette Talbert Child care are fun, friendly, and favored in my eyes.