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>> Home >> Florida >> Boynton Beach Childcare Providers >> Lighthouse Academy

Lighthouse Academy

Name:  Lighthouse Academy
Address:  202 W Boynton Beach Blvd
 Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Phone:  (561) 734-1880

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Review by Jacki on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 7:32:41 AM
I love this place. My son was happy and comfortable here. The entire facility is monitored, the site is organized, clean, and secures. I felt my child was safe. Every incident no matter how small was reported to me, if my child ill or had a minor complaint I was told about it. They honored your request as long as they were within their guidelines. They even gave my son his medication daily and on time. We moved north and my son still talks about this place. I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for child care. My only complaint was that the napping was a little to long. Other than that they were one of the best I found in the area. Thank you to the staff and Directors for taking care of my baby and leaving me with one less worry. We miss you guys!