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>> Home >> Arkansas >> Maumelle Childcare Providers >> Lake Point Kiddie Cottage

Lake Point Kiddie Cottage

Name:  Lake Point Kiddie Cottage
Address:  1 Lake Pointe Dr
 Maumelle, AR 72113
Phone:  (501) 851-3343

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Write a Review for Lake Point Kiddie Cottage
Review by Blackswife on Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 6:44:22 AM
My child has been enrolled in Lake Point Kiddie Cottage for 3 years now and has really enjoyed it. The only problem I have had and continue to have is with the Director (Beverly Rhodes). She is very unprofessional and not too friendly. Other than that, I love it! My favorite teacher there is, I think her name is Sherri, she's very nice, a people person and great with the kids (ALL of the kids) Thank you.