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>> Home >> Indiana >> Evansville Childcare Providers >> High Point East

High Point East

Name:  High Point East
Address:  1220 Tutor Ln
 Evansville, IN 47715
Phone:  (812) 475-9850

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Review by Mommy on Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 4:16:11 PM
I was very hesitant to place my child in a day care. She had always had an in home baby sitter who we loved and unfortunatly became ill and could no longer watch her. I tried a couple day care centers and was very dissapointed, then I found High Point. My daughter, who is 2, was not thrilled in the beginning and cried every day I dropped her off, but by the third week she woke up every morning excited to go to school. The teachers are great and really care for the children. Each day you are given a detailed report of what they did that day, and each week they have a theme depending on their age. For example this week was "Yellow week" and each day their activities involved the color yellow. I love this daycare and reccommend it to everybody with young children! Every day when I pick my daughter up she is singing new songs and loves telling me about her day, her friends, and her teachers.