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>> Home >> Kentucky >> Bardstown Childcare Providers >> Academy Of Learning Inc

Academy Of Learning Inc

Name:  Academy Of Learning Inc
Address:  895 Pennsylvania Ave
 Bardstown, KY 40004
Phone:  (502) 348-9181

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Review by Jessica on Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 12:55:44 PM
I've been working there for 10 years. The daycare has been there longer, but the daycare has been Academy of Learning for two years. I really love being around kids. My son went there from 8 weeks old unitl 5 years old. My daughter has been there since she was 14 months old and still there. The kids are great. We are a loving, caring learning center. We have a certified Pre-school teacher for our Pre-school. I highly recommend our daycare for anyone looking for a daycare.