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>> Home >> Kentucky >> Ft Mitchell Childcare Providers >> Toddler Town Incorporated

Toddler Town Incorporated

Name:  Toddler Town Incorporated
Address:  1020 Hands Pike
 Ft Mitchell, KY 41017
Phone:  (859) 356-7722

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Review by momof2 on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 10:32:18 AM
I was very leery of daycares and reluctant to send my children to one because I felt they wouldn't get enough one on one attention. I decided to give Toddler Town a try and send my daughter there "temporarily" until I found a better solution. My daughter has been going to Toddler Town for 2 years (she is now 4) and my son for almost a year (he just turned 1) and we love it there! The staff is great, the facility is extremely clean, and I feel my children are not only very well taken care of but they also learn new things every day. The only "bad" part is they usually don't care when I leave in the mornings and sometimes cry when I pick them up because they want to stay!! I highly recommend Toddler Town for children of all ages.
Review by Wendy on Sunday, June 1, 2008 at 2:44:26 PM
My two children have only been going here for a couple of months, but they love it. The owners and employees have been really good about helping my kids get used to daycare (they were home with me up until this point). They are very good about communicating how your child is doing and the atmosphere is very supportive. I feel like they really care about my kids as people and not just a job.