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>> Home >> Arizona >> Tucson Childcare Providers >> Noahs Ark Child Care

Noahs Ark Child Care

Name:  Noahs Ark Child Care
Address:  7701 N Silverbell Rd
 Tucson, AZ 85743
Phone:  (520) 572-9494

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Review by Dawn on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 5:04:46 PM
Noah's Ark Child Care was an answer to prayer. I have two school agers and needed to find a way to get them to a daycare while I was at work. And I found out the Noah's does just that. Both my kids enjoy hanging out there til Mom gets off work. They can do their homework and be in a safe environment and I don't have to worry about them. I know they are well cared for and have enjoyed all the staff. I will definitely be recommending Noah's Ark to everyone.
Review by Tina on Friday, May 23, 2008 at 7:51:40 PM
My Son loves his home away from home. Each of the employees have become like an extended family to my son. It helps to know that my son is well cared for and loved when I am at work. Thanks Noahs for taking the time to make my child a special part of your family as well.