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>> Home >> Michigan >> Dearborn Heights Childcare Providers >> Dearborn Christian Child Care Center

Dearborn Christian Child Care Center

Name:  Dearborn Christian Child Care Center
Address:  922 N Beech Daly Rd
 Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Phone:  (313) 274-1115

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Write a Review for Dearborn Christian Child Care Center
Review by A caring mother on Friday, March 28, 2008 at 4:59:36 PM
My child goes to Dearborn Christian. I love it. They service infants to 5 years. My child is around a year and is in a room with infants to one and a half year olds. There's 8 kids in the room and two teachers. (2 in afternoon and two in morning) It's available 7am-6pm. They fill out a paper everyday saying everything the child ate and when, everytime they slept and how long, and everytime they changed their diaper and.. what it was. :P They change their diapers every 2 hours no matter what and of course if they "go" they change them right away. They have a ton of stuf to play with and always seem to be having fun when I come in to pick up my child. Anyways, I have nothing negative to say. I'd definitely recommend this place. Very family friendly.