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>> Home >> Michigan >> Lake Orion Childcare Providers >> Pee Wee Patch Child Dev.

Pee Wee Patch Child Dev.

Name:  Pee Wee Patch Child Dev.
Address:  1796 S Lapeer Rd
 Lake Orion, MI 48360
Phone:  (248) 814-1010

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Write a Review for Pee Wee Patch Child Dev.
Review by Dean T on Friday, March 7, 2014 at 10:49:17 AM
I have 1 daughter that attended Pee Wee Patch until she started going to Public School. She now rides the bus from public school to the before and after school program at Pee Wee Patch. I now have my younger daughter enrolled full time and she loves to be at Pee Wee Patch, She enjoys the teachers, activities and she is learning at a great pace. Thank you for taking care of educating my daughters!