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>> Home >> Missouri >> Springfield Childcare Providers >> Developmental Center Of The Ozarks

Developmental Center Of The Ozarks

Name:  Developmental Center Of The Ozarks
Address:  1545 E Pythian
 Springfield, MO 65802

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Review by parent250 on Monday, June 15, 2009 at 8:15:08 AM
Overall the care of the children is good and they do care for them. However I had issues and my child was actually kicked out. Rather than tell the children when they are doing something wrong, they use redirection. I know that spanking is not santioned but you should at least be firm with the child and let them know the behavior they exhibited was not good. My son is very strong willed and when he disobeys after a warning he does get a spanking and a stern talking to. This deters other incidents from happening during the day. However, at DCO, they do not even tell them what they did was wrong, they baby them. If your child is not a 'sheep' (and I really don't mean anything bad by that, but some children do not fit the mold) i don't recommend this place.