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>> Home >> North Carolina >> Wilmington Childcare Providers >> Hope Child Care & Development Center

Hope Child Care & Development Center

Name:  Hope Child Care & Development Center
Address:  4306 Lake Ave
 Wilmington, NC 28403
Phone:  (910) 794-0094

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Review by Mariah's mom on Monday, August 18, 2008 at 2:56:54 PM
My daughter attended Hope Child care Center for 4 years. This was the first daycare center I sent my child to. I love this learner and developement center because they do exaclty what there name says. My child has learned so much from being at this center. The teachers and staff are excellent. They really care about your children. If I didn't have to relocate to another city my child would still be attending this school. They care for my child as I would and I appreciate it so much.