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>> Home >> California >> Fairfield Childcare Providers >> Circle Of Friends Child Care

Circle Of Friends Child Care

Name:  Circle Of Friends Child Care
Address:  675 Cement Hill Rd
 Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone:  (707) 425-2717

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Review by Regina on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at 9:27:37 AM
The director's main philisophy is nuturing and caring for your child as if the child where her own. The facility if exceptionally clean, well run and maintained. The centers teacher to child ratio is very good. I am a law enforcement officer and very involved parent, who appreciates and values the services they perform. They work in partnership with you to give quality care. They have curriculum for each age range. My child has been going here since she was 6 months old. Within a week she was sitting up assisted and moving around. All the areas are age appropriate. Even the babies have their own designated play area. The director only hires the best most nurturing and certified teachers. The center closes only with the coincides state and federal holidays. Here teachers are very consistent and stable. Your child will be with the designated teacher. They give daily through reports about everything that your child did for the day, including their disposition. I highly recommend you enroll your child.