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>> Home >> California >> Danville Childcare Providers >> Danville Montessori School

Danville Montessori School

Name:  Danville Montessori School
Address:  919 Camino Ramon
 Danville, CA 94526
Phone:  (925) 838-7434

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Review by Cara on Monday, June 20, 2011 at 4:15:25 PM
This school is just awesome, if you are at any school in the Danville or San Ramon area this school is most likely the better choice. I toured many schools before I settled on this one. The Montessori approach is perfect and works so well with young children. It is very impressive to see them focused, happy, learning new things and loving to come to school. As a parent you can't ask for anything more. This is also a small family run school and it shows in their care for the children and keeping the facilities clean and maintained. If you want to invest in your child's future while they are very happy to come to school and learn, this is the best possible place. I would come here again if I had more kids to send here! Thank you Danville Montessori!!
Review by Mrs. A. on Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 6:24:11 PM
We Believe in Montessori Method