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>> Home >> Texas >> Stafford Childcare Providers >> Learning Stages Inc

Learning Stages Inc

Name:  Learning Stages Inc
Address:  12780 S Kirkwood Rd
 Stafford, TX 77477

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Review by Maggie H on Friday, March 22, 2013 at 9:18:52 AM
Now, I am not a huge review wittier but for this, it is a must (because it IS so important when choosing care for our children). If you want to place your infant, toddler or preschooler in a private school with teachers that sincerely care for each child on a very individual basis, a great director who is always available and able to respond to questions or concerns, a school that has a wonderful curriculum where your child learns things like verbal, math, reading, critical thinking, interaction and emotional skills and on top of that always has extra curricular activities going on for the children (even have field trips that come to them to keep the little ones fascinated and excited about each day and new learning adventure).... and that is also affordable (as if everything else isn't enough) - then you need to PICK THIS DAY-CARE/SCHOOL for your child or at least pay them a visit while you are looking around. I truly love Learning Stages, Inc. and all of the staff there so much. I really believe in what they are doing there. My child (turning three next month) has been going there for over a year and a half now and I fully intend to keep him there until his is too old to go and has to start public school. I feel so blessed to have found Learning Stages and would happily recommend it to any parent!!!! From taking him from a at home day care to a school environment, it is incredible the progress I have seen in him through what he has been learning there. :) I am one happy and proud momma!