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>> Home >> Texas >> Helotes Childcare Providers >> Nana's Day Care

Nana's Day Care

Name:  Nana's Day Care
Address:  16148 Bandera Rd.
 Helotes, TX 78023

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Review by mom of three on Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 10:20:25 AM
Excellent Day care has intrernet monitering where you can view your child at anytime, professional teachers many with BA's in childhood education. Huge classrooms where the children are split up. 0-6 months in one classroom 6-12 months in one classroom, 12-18 classroom, 18-24 in another classroom Teachers are always in ratio and many times have extra teachers than what the state requires. Meals are great and healthy. Clean playgrounds with age appropriate equipment. All three of my children have been going since infants and have now been there a little over three years. .