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>> Home >> Texas >> Lubbock Childcare Providers >> A New World Daycare

A New World Daycare

Name:  A New World Daycare
Address:  1912 19th St
 Lubbock, TX 79401
Phone:  (806) 765-7404

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Review by Eric on Monday, October 22, 2012 at 4:05:34 PM
I am a father of one, and I work late nights. This daycare is the only one that will work with my late shifts, which is the reason I first sent my son to A New World. It has been three years now and my son and I cannot imagine going to any other daycare, their curriculum is excellent and the teachers really care about the kids and their families.
Review by Joy on Monday, October 22, 2012 at 4:03:26 PM
I am a mother of 3 and I LOVE this center and have been bringing my children here for 7 years! They love it here and often are not ready to leave their class when I pick them up. My oldest has been attending A New World since she was in the infant room and now is in the school age room. The Director and staff have become like extended family to us, helping us in the past when times were hard. And the best part of this center is their main focus is on safety, so I feel at ease leaving my children when I m at work.