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>> Home >> Texas >> San Antonio Childcare Providers >> Appletree Day School Incorporated

Appletree Day School Incorporated

Name:  Appletree Day School Incorporated
Address:  10350 Bandera Rd. Suite 200
 San Antonio, TX 78006
Phone:  (210) 509-1919

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AppleTree Day School, Inc. will provide children the opportunity to express their ideas, learn new skills and participate in physical activities while being cared for in a safe, secure and nurturing environment. Activities will follow a general pattern to help children feel secure. Among the activities, there will be opportunity for success through: indoor and outdoor play, open-ended planned activities, creative and free choice, hands on activities, and problem solving. AppleTree Day School emphasizes structure in all classrooms with an environment that encourages learning through exploration. Weekly lesson plans will be posted on the bulletin board in your child's room. Many of the ideas and lesson plans will be child initiated under the guidance of the education staff. In addition to our teachers, AppleTree Day School anticipates utilizing local professionals, college students, interns and community volunteers to provide the children with a variety of different learning experiences.

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