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>> Home >> Texas >> Austin Childcare Providers >> Capital Area CCMS

Capital Area CCMS

Name:  Capital Area CCMS
Address:  8000 Anderson Sq
 Austin, TX 78757
Phone:  (512) 302-0710

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Review by mom2bwm on Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 5:42:42 PM
I went through Worksource on Airport Blvd. and had a good experience, I was waitlisted for only two months before we were accepted (some people wait years). As long as you follow the rules and turn in your paperwork on time, you won't have any problems.
Review by Ms Lady on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 6:33:22 AM
I have been waiting for months to receive assistance again. I got transfered because I moved and then placed on a waiting list again. No one knows what is going on with funding its like you have to quit your job and start over just to get help.