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>> Home >> Texas >> Bellaire Childcare Providers >> Christchurch


Name:  Christchurch
Address:  106 S 3rd St
 Bellaire, TX 77401
Phone:  (713) 668-9869

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Review by ashermom on Friday, April 25, 2008 at 8:24:58 AM
I can't say enough about this wonderful place. My baby started there at 3 months and loved it from the beginning. The workers all know my son's name--even those who work in different classes-- and greet him by name every morning. They really love children here and have a myriad of activities, buggy rides for the little ones, an amazing playground, and they have school pets (tiny mice in a wonderful playcage) that the children love to watch. I will be becoming a stay-at-home mom this summer and am really sad to leave as they don't have MDO services. I know that my son will truly miss his "school" and teachers.