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>> Home >> Texas >> Denton Childcare Providers >> Exclusively Babies

Exclusively Babies

Name:  Exclusively Babies
Address:  314 Jagoe St
 Denton, TX 76201
Phone:  (940) 383-2988

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Review by PC on Sunday, July 17, 2011 at 1:55:44 PM
My daughter has attended Exclusively Babies since she was 6 wks. old. Linda and Brenda in the infant room are the greatest! They love the children like they were their very own. My daughter is now 18 mos. and the care and love she has received there warms my heart so much. We are moving and my only fear is I won't be able to find a place as GOOD and CLEAN as Exclusively Babies has always been. It has been a wonderful experience for a new mother!!