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>> Home >> Texas >> Alvin Childcare Providers >> First Step Day Care

First Step Day Care

Name:  First Step Day Care
Address:  600 Avenue E 1/2
 Alvin, TX 77511
Phone:  (281) 585-9900

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Review by Loving Dad on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 2:01:17 PM
this day care has been here in Alvin TX for past so many years that I dont remember the count. All i know is that my kids used to go here and now my grand kinds also go here. the facility is conveniently located on highway 6 south and the owners and teachers are very friendly and cooperative. I would recommend this day care to every one.
Review by Nathan on Sunday, June 10, 2012 at 8:22:58 PM
I have my three kids going to first steps day care here in Alvin TX. They all love it. The facility is Great, its clean and easy access. The director is an angel (she really is). all the teachers are very nice and they take care of the kids very well. one of the best thing i like about first steps day care is that they are always open early at 6 am and they close late 7 pm. its very convenient for us to drop off the kids before going to the office and pick them up on way back to home. Thank you
Review by cyndi on Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 5:13:41 PM
Excellent location on highway 6 in Alvin TX Flexible & Affordable hours and prices. I love them
Review by Mommy on Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 5:11:38 PM
one of the best day care i have seen and experienced in Alvin TX