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>> Home >> Texas >> Needville Childcare Providers >> Good Beginnings Child Care

Good Beginnings Child Care

Name:  Good Beginnings Child Care
Address:  9234 Line St
 Needville, TX 77461
Phone:  (979) 793-6596

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Review by Melissa V. on Monday, February 2, 2009 at 3:29:51 PM
My children having been going to this daycare since it has been opened. They went to a different daycare and when it was sold, this daycare opened in its place. My kids love it here. They love the staff and the staff make it easier on me. I have a baby and two school aged children. The staff helps with homework on school nights, makes sure my kids get to CCD on time and safely and if theres are any problems, they call me immediately. My baby is taken care of. He is happy and never cries when I leave him (he started going when he was 3 months old and now is 8 months). The staff gives a list of his day (which I know they are required to do) but they also write reminders on the dry erase board and post notes on the door going into the baby house. That is another good thing: They have all children under 18 months in a seperate house. Also...when the boys were younger, they taught them numbers and colors in English and Spanish. And they have a graduation from Pre-K for the children entering Kindergarten. I just love the employees and quality of this daycare. I trust them with the most important things in my life. My children. Melissa Vincik Needville, Texas mother of 3