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>> Home >> Texas >> Lubbock Childcare Providers >> Greenhouse 4 Kids

Greenhouse 4 Kids

Name:  Greenhouse 4 Kids
Address:  5405 Avenue B
 Lubbock, TX 79404
Phone:  (806) 762-5735

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Review by Aleksandar D. on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 1:25:02 PM
Our son Luka went to Greenhouse for kids for year and half and we loved it. Mrs. Irma is a nice and worm person and her relationship with the kids and parents is great. The only regret that I have is that since we moved out of Lubbock our younger son will not be able to attend this wonderful place. Sometimes in life you do not appreciate things until you lose them. We really miss Miss Irma as our son’s caregiver and a friend.