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>> Home >> Texas >> Houston Childcare Providers >> Highmark Child Development Cen

Highmark Child Development Cen

Name:  Highmark Child Development Cen
Address:  13630 Beamer Rd
 Houston, TX 77089
Phone:  (281) 464-6500

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Review by Mama Kim on Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 3:32:27 PM
My son attends there and he really likes it! From the time he was born he stayed at an in-home daycare. I figured that he would have a difficult time adjusting to Highmark, not so. I like that he bring home numerous projects, is starting to spell his name at 3 and seems to be well adjusted. I looked at many daycares around the area and this is BY FAR the most reasonable. They provide meals, snacks and other activities for the kids and their families. For example, a couple of times a year they have picture day and movie night and local event announcements. The staff are friendly and keep the "classrooms" in order. A HUGE plus for this daycare is the security set up. There is only one door to get into the daycare and it is opened by a staff member. The office is right by the front door, so no one comes and goes without a staff member knowing.