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>> Home >> Texas >> Frisco Childcare Providers >> Hillcrest Day School

Hillcrest Day School

Name:  Hillcrest Day School
Address:  6275 Hillcrest Rd
 Frisco, TX 75035
Phone:  (972) 335-7171

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Review by Laurie on Monday, March 12, 2012 at 1:08:16 PM
I've been at Hillcrest since before the new owners took over, and I thought I might leave before that, but things are great now, and my kids really like it there. The teachers give 100% for the kids, they really work hard to make everyone happy and do well - and it shows, it really does. They have a good rating from the state of Texas (4 stars), and I really recommend the school to anyone looking for a place for their child.