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>> Home >> Texas >> Pearland Childcare Providers >> Homegrown Kids Child Care Center

Homegrown Kids Child Care Center

Name:  Homegrown Kids Child Care Center
Address:  2801 Harkey Rd
 Pearland, TX 77584
Phone:  (281) 485-7210

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Write a Review for Homegrown Kids Child Care Center
Review by Pearland Dad on Friday, January 7, 2011 at 12:22:55 PM
Wow, what a great place. I have both of my boys there and couldn't be happier. The owner and staff really care about my boys. The staff is fully qualified and takes pride in their ability to care for my sons. Thanks to their constant interaction with the children, my son recieved the medical attention he needed when he unexpectedly entered a breathing crisis. Their quick actions saved my son's life. I would strongly reccomend HGK!