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>> Home >> Texas >> Lake Dallas Childcare Providers >> Humpty Dumpty Playland

Humpty Dumpty Playland

Name:  Humpty Dumpty Playland
Address:  512 N Shady Shores Dr
 Lake Dallas, TX 75065
Phone:  (940) 497-2791

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Review by Mom of Caleb on Friday, February 26, 2010 at 3:49:42 PM
I just love everyone at Humpty Dumpty Playland. It is a very clean and small daycare. They have a great teacher/kid ratio and my son gets lots of attention. He has learned so much, since they have a daily currculum that they follow. On Fridays they offer Strech-N-Grow, which is a program that helps guide the childern into learning about excerise and the importantance of it.